Too Tough — аккорды

D                 C  Csus4  C
If you want to wreck my life
D             C  Csus4  C
Go ahead my love
D                    C  Csus4  C
Tried it once with poison
D                    C  Csus4  C
Tried it once with drugs
D                C  Csus4  C
Circulation's running dry
D                C  Csus4  C
It's you that drank me up
D                      C  Csus4  C
Screwed me down with kindness
D             C  Csus4  C
Suffocating love

F                  D#  A#
When it comes to fighting
F                  C
Trying to play it rough
F                 D#
I will take you twenty rounds
A#          C    G
I'm just too tough, too tough
D  C         D C        D C
Too tough, too tough

Saw you on TV last night
In a rerun soap
You were young and beautiful
Already without hope

But I didn't think you ever knew
What you've bitten off
And in the end you spat me out
You could not chew me up
Too tough, too tough, too tough, too tough

When it comes to fighting
Trying to play it rough
I will take you twenty rounds
I'm just too tough, too tough

I was married yesterday
To a teenage bride
You said it's only physical
But I love her deep inside
I still see you in my dreams
With a kitchen knife
With it poised above your head
Now who you gonna slice?

When it comes to fighting
Trying to play it rough
I will take you twenty rounds
I'm just too tough, too tough
D C D C         D C         D  C
Too tough,  too tough

I don't think you'll ever know
What you've bitten off
But in the end you spat me out
You could not chew me up
I was too tough, too tough
Too tough, too tough
Too tough, too tough
Too tough
Too tough, too tough
Too tough, too tough

Песня "Too Tough", которую исполняет The Rolling Stones, подойдет для разбора гитаристу любого уровня. Это довольно простая, но популярная песня. В любой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными гитаристами.

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