Indian Girl — аккорды

C                                  F
Little Indian girl, where is your mama?
C                                  F
Little Indian girl, where is your papa?
C                                             F
He's fighting in the war in the streets of Masaya
G                      F
All the children were dead
G                        F
Except for the girl who said
C                                   F
"Please Mister Gringo, please find my father"
G             F  G                             F
Lesson number one   better learn while you're young
C                                           F
Life just goes on and on getting harder and harder
C                                   F  C  F
Little Indian girl, from Nueva, Granada

C                                                     F
Ma says there's no food, there's nothing left in the larder
C                                                 F
Last piece of meat was eaten by the soldiers that raped her
G               F  G                            F
Lesson number one  that you learn when you're young
C                                           F
Life just goes on and on getting harder and harder
C                                           F
Life just goes on and on getting harder and harder
C                                    F
Little Indian girls from Nueva, Granada
C                                    F
Little Indian girls from Nueva, Granada
G                   F
Yes, I saw them today
G                      F
It's a sight I would say
They're shooting down planes
With their M-16 and with laughter

C                F
Mr. Gringo, my father he ain't no Che Guevara
C                                            F
And he's fighting a war on the streets of Masaya
C                                  F
Little Indian girl where is your father?
C                           F
Indian girl where is your momma?
C                                                     F
They're fighting for Mr. Castro in the streets of Angola
C                F C
La la la la la la

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