Can You Hear the Music — аккорды

C                   A# C                       A# C
Can you hear the music, can you hear the music?
Can you feel the magic hangin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah

F         C      F          C           F  C
Love is a mystery I can't demystify, oh, no
A#                                  C
And sometimes I wonder why we're here
F        A#            C    F  C
But I don't care, I don't care

When I hear the drummer, get me in the groove
When I hear the guitar, makes me wanna move
Can you feel the magic, floatin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? Oh yeah

Sometimes you're feelin' you've been pushed around
And your rainbow justain't here
Don't you fear, don't you fear

When you hear the music trouble disappears
When you hear the music ringin' in your ears
Can you feel the magic floatin' in the air?
Can you hear the magic? Oh yeah

Can you hear the music, can you hear the music?
Can you feel the magic dancin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? Oh yeah

Love is a mystery I can't demystify, oh no
Sometimes I'm dancin' on air
But I get scared, I get scared

Can you hear the music? Oh yeah
Can you hear the music ringin' in my ear?
Can you hear the music, can you hear the music?

Песня "Can You Hear the Music", которую исполняет The Rolling Stones, подойдет для разбора начинающему гитаристу. Это очень простая, но красивая песня. В каждой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными гитаристами.

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