Down in the Hole — аккорды

F#7             Hm               G
Will all your money, but you forgiveness
F#7                       E7
Keep you from sickness, or keep you from cold?
F#7              Hm                G
Will all your money, keep from madness
F#7                              E7
Keep you from sadness, when you're down in the hole?
F#7            Hm
Cause you'll be down in the gutter,
G                     F#7
You'll be burnin' for cigarrets, burnin' for nylons
In the American Zone

F#7                    Hm                      G
You'll be down in the hole, yeah, down in the hole
F#7                               E7
No ecape from trouble, nowhere to go
F#7           Hm                      G
Down in the gutter, beggin' for cigarrets
F#7                  E7
Beggin' forgiveness, all that you know
F#7          Hm                          G
Down in the hole, after diggin' the trenches
Looking for cover and findin'out there
Ain't nowhere, nowhere to go, nowhere
F#7                Hm G F#7 E7 F#7
Nowhere, nowhere to go
Hm                    G
None of your money, will buy you forgiveness
F#7                 E7
None of your jewelry, none of your gold
F#7                  Hm                  G
Your black market cigaretts, your American night clubs
F#7      E7
Think i know where it goes.
F#7               Hm          G
Something for nothing, all of your friends gone
F#7                        E7
Something for nothing, that's all that you know
F#7 Hm
There's something down in the hole
Down down down in the hole
F#7                         E7      F#7        Hm
There's something down down down down in the hole

Песня "Down in the Hole", в исполнении The Rolling Stones, подойдет для изучения гитаристу любого уровня. Это довольно простая, но популярная песня. В любой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными музыкантами.

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