Fortune Teller — аккорды

A    G                  E  D C
Went to the fortune teller
A       G       E  D C
Had my fortune read
A               G            E  D C
I didn't know what to tell her
A      G             E   D C
I had the dizzy feeling in my head

Then she took a look at my palm
She said sonny you feel kinda warm
She looked into her crystal ball
And said you're in love

I said how could that be so
I'm not passion with the girls I know
She said when the next one arrives
You'll be looking into her eyes

Проигрыш: A G E D C A G E D C

I left there in a hurry
Looking forward to my big surprise
The next day I discovered
That the fortune teller told me a lie

I hurried back down to that woman
As mad as I could be
I told her I didn't see nobody
Why'd she make a fool out of me

Then something struck me
As if it came from up above
While looking at the fortune teller
I fell in love

A          G     E    D C
Now I'm a happy feller
A              G       E    D C
Well I'm married to the fortune teller
A             G      E D C
We're happy as we can be
Now I get my fortune told for free

Песня "Fortune Teller", которую исполняет The Rolling Stones, подойдет для разбора гитаристу любого уровня. Это очень простая, но красивая песня. В любой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными музыкантами.

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