Seventh heaven's garden — аккорды

Seventh heaven's garden
Dm                       Am
You never new it was right on your land
You were in search of an unchangeable heart
Dm                      Am
While never trusting the one in your hand
Stand against the sunshine
Think of something divine
And if you're alert to the celestial sings
You will see yours right over mine

Threatening others' windows
You stood in wait with an А-bomb in your head
They, indifferent to the speeches and winds,
Were barred to keep what little warnth they had
Stand toward the ocean
Spread the wings in your head
And if there's trust in the third law of motion
It will come out just as i said

You were scanning faces
Killing actions with powerful word
And every time you saw a heavenly place
It turned to nothing but a casualty ward
Give me your army
Give me you arm, joanne
And if you have patience and stainless karma
You'll be granted your orleans

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