One, two — аккорды

One, two: if I were you...
Three, four: the night before...
Five, six: I'd play tricks...
Seven, eight, nine, ten:
and drive me nuts again!

Was it sun or was it rain?
All it's gone like a midnight train.
If that saying’s going through,
I’d give up if I were you.

Midnight fall like a fallen rose.
Isn't it better when it grows?
Baby, you know if I were you,
Wouldn't say that I love you!

Two, three: the way is free.
Four, five: are you gonna drive?!
Drive me crazy as a pinball ball!
Did you say you’re sick of all?
There's, there's, trere's...

There’s one, two... If I were you...
Three, four: the night before...
Five, six: I'd play tricks...
Seven, eight, nine, ten:
and drive me nuts again!

Was it sun or was it rain?
All it's gone like a midnight train.
If that saying’s going through,
I’d give up if I were you.

Midnight fall like a fallen rose.
Isn't it better when it grows?
Baby, you know if I were you,
Wouldn't say that I love you! Ha-ha!

Two, three: the way is free.
Four, five: are you gonna drive?
Drive me crazy as a pinball ball!
Did you say you’re sick of all?

There’s one, two...

Песня "One, two", которую исполняет Павел Кашин, подойдет для разбора гитаристу любого уровня. Это очень простая, но популярная песня. В каждой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными гитаристами.

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