Sunrise (Deep In Hell) — аккорды

                           Em H7 Em
I saw the sunrise deep in hell
H7            Em  H7 Em
I saw heaven in the cell
H7                G     D     C  H7
I saw the touch, i saw the smell, well, well

I saw the neverending sea
I saw the mountains of liberty
I didn't see you and i did not see me crying

but i'm still looking for someone
Someone that's larger than life
Something that's sharp
Sharp as the knife

G D Em
I saw the sunrise deep in hell
G  D Em
and it grows and it grows
G  D Em C
first signals of love
I say well, i say well
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

I saw the wild, wild beasts
I saw them run away or run at least
I saw the lovers and i saw the priest

but i'm still looking for someone
Someone that's larger than life
Something that's sharp
Sharp as the knife


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