Simple Things That Matter — аккорды

Have you ever had this feeling
When you're lost and have no meaning
Something small and common
Makes you heart and soul go spinning
C                      D
Simple things that matter
Would you spend this day with me?

Hm             A              G   F#m
My time goes by, days get repeated
Em              F#m             G
I'm fighting fear   and rarely beat it
Wise people say love's a solution
I seek to make my contribution

Have you ever had that moment
When you're dancing with your lover
Nearness and warmness
Are the gifts you rediscover
Simple things that matter
Would you spend this night with me?

Have you ever had this feeling
When you're lost and have no meaning
Something small and common
Makes you heart and soul go spinning
Simple things that matter
Would you live your life with me?

I watch the news, I get judgmental
I'm feeling old, too sentimental
Wise people say we can not get far
What do they know about the way things are?

Песня "Simple Things That Matter", которую исполняет Brainstorm, подойдет для разбора начинающему гитаристу. Это довольно простая, но красивая песня. В любой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными гитаристами.

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