Little Corey — аккорды

I'll tell you a story,
About the little Corey
F      E        Am
He was nice and kind
F      F        Am
He has lost his mind.

This is his story
And there is no glory
Completely lost his mind,
Nothing left behind

G  C             G
People - be thoughtful
A#          F
People - be careful,
E       Am  Dm
Careful and wise,
F       E        Am   G
Don't believe in lies

People - be beautiful,
People be wonderful,
Thoughtful and grown,
Do not let it blown

It's a sad, sad story
Of poor, little Corey
Looking for insight
In the dead of night

Though he lost his sight of future
He remembered hoochie-coochie
He went out of mind
Became deaf and blind

People just let you go
People - just do it so
Be careful tonight,
Or You will lose your mind!

Wild people - whoop it up
Mild people - just live it up
There are no "ifs" or "buts"
The world is going nuts!

So, here is a story
Of poor, little Corey
He was nice and kind
He has lost his mind.

Though he lost his sight of future
He remembered hoochie-coochie
Completely lost his mind,
Nothing left behind

Baby - just live it up
Baby - don't trust makeup
Don't be ensure you're smart -
Don't listen to your heart

It's time for whoop it up
Time has come - whoop it up
It is time to restart
The world that fell apart!

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