Super Creature — аккорды

I'm living in the bedroom of my girl
I'm keeping all the secrets of her world
I'm ugly, old, and I'm a super creature
I'm here to teach you how to build the future
Gm                       C
I'm looking into her face and in her eyes
F     C      F       C
I'm stupid toy but I'm so nice

It's very need and hard to make her want
She's want to be a virgin of this world
My honey comes home to kiss my head
My lousy old hand and goes to bed
I'm dreaming of being a beauty princess
I like to wear her silky dresses

Saint, but I am saint!
Dm            C        A#
And I'm keeping your sweet innocence
But I am saint!

I like to use a make-up on my skin
I hate it so much in all my dreams
But when she comes home, I have to smile
Because I hate so much the girl of mine
I'm dreaming of being a beauty princess
I like to wear her silky dresses

I'm living in the bedroom of my girl
I'm keeping all the secrets of her world
I'm ugly, old, and I'm a super creature
I'm here to teach you how to build the future
I'm looking into her face and in her eyes
I'm stupid toy but I'm so nice

Saint, but I am saint!
And I'm keeping your sweet innocence
My super plans!

Проигрыш: Dm C - 16 раз

Plans, my secret plans
And I'm keeping your sweet innocence
My secret plans!

My sweet love comes at home with a handsome boy
He said: "This ugly shit is just a toy"
He threw me away and locked the door
My girl doesn't love me anymore
I didn't say anything, but in my head
I have a plan to make them dead

I'm living in the bedroom of my girl
I'm keeping all the secrets of her world
I'm ugly, old, and I'm a super creature
I'm here to teach you how to build the future
I'm looking into her face and in her eyes
I'm stupid toy but I'm so nice

Plans, my secret plans
But I'm keeping your sweet innocence
My secret plans!

Проигрыш: Dm C - 16 раз

Dm C     Dm C     Dm C    Dm C
My girl, my girl, my girl, my girl,
My girl, my girl, my girl, my girl,
My girl, my girl, my girl, my girl,
My girl, my girl, my girl...

Saint, but I am saint!
But I'm keeping your sweet innocence
My secret plans!
My secret plans!
My secret plans!
My secret plans!

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