Sporting (Спортивные занятия) — аккорды

Girls like pumping, they wanna be so strong;
They wannna have muscules to raise five tonns,
They fight with the bandits,
and never, never cry.
They wanna stay virgins far a long time...

Girls like boxing, they never, never lose!
The innocence is only for the one they choose,
Girls are climbing like monkeys on trees...
One, two, three - they wanna be free!

Girls need pumping - they pump their tits,
Girls need pumping - they pump their tits!
Girls fight with the bandits,
and never, never cry.
Three, two, one - they wanna have fun.

Girls like pumping
Girls, girls, girls...

Girls like pumping
Girls, girls, girls...

E         C#m
Close your eyes, begin to dream,
F#m              C#m
There is no more dancing win, stop machine...
Close your eyes, close your eyes,
E        C#m
Don't to cry, it's not a dream,
F#m        C#m
You're the engine of sex machine,
A                        G
Don't to cry, don't to cry...
Pumping, pumping, pumping, pumping...

Girls like pumping, and it must excite,
They build young bodies for somebody's eyes,
Girls need pumping - they pump their tits!
One, two, three - they wanna be free!

E        C#m
Close your eyes, begin to dream,
F#m             C#m
There is no more dancing win, stop machine...
Close your eyes, close your eyes,
E        C#m
Don't to cry, it's not a dream,
F#m        C#m
You're the engine of sex machine,
Don't to cry, don't to cry...
E        C#m
Close your eyes...
F#m              C#m   A
There is no more dancing...

Girls like boxing, they never, never lose!
The innocence is only for the one they choose.

E        C#m
Close your eyes, begin to dream,
F#m             C#m
There is no more dancing win, stop machine...
Close your eyes, close your eyes,
E        C#m
Don't to cry, it's not a dream,
F#m        C#m
You're the engine of sex machine,
Don't to cry, don't to cry...
E        C#m
Close your eyes...
F#m              C#m   A
There is no more dancing...

E        C#m
Close your eyes, begin to dream,
F#m             C#m
There is no more dancing sex machine
Close your eyes, close your eyes,
E        C#m
Don't to cry, it's not a dream,
F#m        C#m
You're the engine of sex machine,
Don't to cry, don't to cry...
E        C#m
Close your eyes...
F#m              C#m   A
There is no more dancing...
E         C#m
Don't to cry...
F#m        C#m   A
You're the engine...
E          C#m
Close your eyes...
F#m             C#m    A
There is no more dancing...
E        C#m
Don't to cry...
F#m        C#m
You're the engine...
Don't to cry, don't to cry...
E        C#m
Close your eyes...
F#m        C#m
You're the engine...
Close your eyes, close your eyes,
E         C#m            F#m C#m A
Don't to cry, don't to cry...
E         C#m
Don't to cry, it's not a dream,
F#m        C#m
You're the engine of sex machine,
Don't to cry, don't to cry...

Песня "Sporting (Спортивные занятия)", которую исполняет Ногу Свело!, подойдет для изучения начинающему гитаристу. Это довольно простая, но красивая песня. В любой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными гитаристами.

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