Самые очаровательные стюардессы на авиалиниях «Ногу Свело!» — аккорды

I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
I am the stuardess - princess of an airplane.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

I am the stuardess - princess of an airways.
I am the stuardess - princess of an airways.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

I am the stuardess - princess of an aircraft.
I am the stuardess - princess of an aircraft.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
We are the stuardesses - princesses of an airplanes.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.
Flying around round, flying around round,
Flying around the clouds.

Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...
Around the clouds...

Песня "Самые очаровательные стюардессы на авиалиниях "Ногу Свело!"", которую исполняет Ногу Свело!, подойдет для изучения начинающему гитаристу. Это очень простая, но красивая песня. В любой компании наверняка кто-то захочет ее спеть и сыграть на гитаре. Аккорды и текст песни были составлены и проверены опытными гитаристами.

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