A Big Story of Little Lorie — аккорды

January she met him
In February fell in love
G                 A
In March he made her tired
And she texted him "enough!"
April showers made her blue
So she bought a brand new whip
Mayday mayday call the lady
Its' time for aerotrip!

E        G
Hello! arrr aye!
D              A
She makes all the boys cry
E        G
Hello! arr aye!
A#           A
Another day, another guy

It's a big big story
Of little Lorie
Our little sensation
On a big vacation
It's a big, big story
Of little Lorie
She causes commotion
Wherever she's goin'.

In June she got discovered
By July she was a star
In August got arrested
Drinking vodka in her car
September through November
Got locked up in county jail
December rolled around
She headed home with on your tale

Hello! Arrrr aye!
She's drinking all the bars dry
Hello! Arrrr aye!
She's breaking all the rules tonight


G                   D
She's a little too selective
Em                        Hm
'cause she's been a little bit neglected
G                    D
She's a litle bit to study in
Em                    G    Gm
She's a little bit to got in


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